Polaris Sweden

Welcome to Polaris Sweden!

You have come to a page for districts and clubs in Sweden that use the Polaris IT system.

Currently it is:

District 2335
District 2355
as well as the Association Polaris Sweden, which consists of 26 clubs, with a total of 1049 members, who use Polaris as their IT system, while their district uses another IT system.


This page will not be updated with information from Districts and Clubs. You will only find Polaris manuals here. The page for Rotary Sweden is found on https://www.rotary.se/

If you have questions about Rotary, write a line to info@rotary.se

From 1 july 2024 there will only be 6 districts in Sweden

District 2325
District 2335
District 2355

District 2365
District 2395
District 2405
and Rotary Latvia (in Latvian), part of District 2405.